How to laravel eloquent wherein ?

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This laravel eloquent wherein  tutorial will teach you everything from the whereIn() function to making a query with model and builder.

Check the laravel eloquent wherein  Examples below :

Example 1: Eloquent Wherein Query Using Laravel Model With Different Column Name

public function index()
    $data= User::whereIn('name', ['john','dam','smith'])->get();


Example 2: Filtering Posts by Categories Using Wherein

Suppose you have a posts table with a category_id column, and you want to retrieve posts from specific categories. You have an array of category IDs you’re targeting: 

$categoryIds = [2, 4, 6];

$posts = Post::whereIn('category_id', $categoryIds)->get();

Example  3: Retrieving Users by IDs using Eloquent Wherein Query

Let’s say you have a users table and you want to retrieve users by their IDs. You have an array of IDs you’re interested in:

$userIds = [1, 3, 5, 7];

$users = User::whereIn('id', $userIds)->get();


**FAQs for MySQL WHERE IN Clause**


1. **What is the purpose of the WHERE IN clause in MySQL?**

The WHERE IN clause in MySQL is used to filter rows based on a specified list of values. It allows you to retrieve rows where a specified column’s value matches any value in a list.


2. **How is the basic syntax of the WHERE IN clause?**

   The basic syntax is:


   SELECT column1, column2, ...

   FROM table_name

   WHERE column_name IN (value1, value2, ...);



3. **Can I use WHERE IN with multiple columns?**

No, WHERE IN is typically used with a single column. If you need to filter based on multiple conditions, you may consider using AND or OR operators.


4. **What data types are supported in the IN clause?**

The IN clause supports various data types such as numbers, strings, and dates. Ensure that the data types of the column and values in the list match.


5. **Is it possible to use a subquery with WHERE IN?**

Yes, you can use a subquery within the parentheses of the IN clause. This allows for more dynamic filtering based on the results of another query.


6. **How does the WHERE IN clause handle NULL values?**

The WHERE IN clause treats NULL values in the list as unknown. Rows with NULL values in the specified column won’t match the condition unless you explicitly include NULL in the list.


7. **Can I combine WHERE IN with other conditions?**

Yes, you can combine the WHERE IN clause with other conditions using AND or OR operators to create more complex filtering logic.


8. **Are there any performance considerations when using WHERE IN?**

The performance can be affected if the list of values in the WHERE IN clause is large. In such cases, consider using appropriate indexes on the columns involved to optimize query performance.


9. **How do I use WHERE IN with a list of strings?**

When dealing with string values, enclose each string in single or double quotes within the parentheses. For example:


   WHERE column_name IN ('value1', 'value2', ...);



10. **Can I use a combination of literals and column values in the WHERE IN clause?**

    Yes, you can mix literals and column values in the list. For example:


    WHERE column_name IN ('value1', 'value2', column3, ...);



Remember to adapt these examples to your specific database schema and use case.


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